
Simple Drill that teaches "Heads Up" Hockey

Good at a station practice or Small Group Training
  • Players line up near blueline on boards

  • Coach will send out a loose puck that the player will have to retrieve off the wall while moving (and then get their head up quickly)

  • Coach has 3 cones or obstacles set on a diagonal line near top of circle- Coach will position himself behind the middle cone/obstacle

  • As the player approaches (attacking the middle cone) to coach will quickly move to the left or right window (space between 2 cones)- opening up the other space for the player to go through

  • Player has to keep their head up, choose what window to go through, and handle the puck while moving

  • Keep skating once passed the obstacles and finish with a shot on goal

  • Remember to switch sides on the drill halfway through so that players learn to pick up pucks off the wall from both sides